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Home Masters dr Henryk Rozanski Herbs Rowan, mountain ash, whitebeam, service tree - Sorbus aucuparia (Rosaceae)

Rowan, mountain ash, whitebeam, service tree - Sorbus aucuparia (Rosaceae)



Shrub or tree grows up to 15 m high , leaves nieparzysto - pinnate , with 11-15 lance-shaped , sharply serrated blades , flowers collected in umbels ( podbaldachy ) 5 - allotment cup , crown of five spheroidal , white or slightly yellowish flakes ; fruit - spherical , a crimson apples ( jabłczak ) .

In Poland it grows in the lowlands and in the mountains , common in the forests , in thickets , along rivers and parks .

You also grow : Rowan flour - S. aria , rowanberry - P. domestica and Rowan Swedish - S. Scandia ( intermedia ), which are also medicinal .



They are used leaves, flowers and fruits - Folium , Flos , et Fructus Sorbi - are sold in herbal shops ( fruit ) . Leaves and flowers are harvested during the flowering period , combined with each other, together dried at temperatures up to 40 ° C, and together they had.

Fruits are harvested when they are mature and dried in an open oven heated to 80 ° C.


The chemical composition

Fruits contain 40-70 mg/100 g wit . C , 13,000 IU wit . A, 400 mg wit.P , 400 ug wit . K , 5.85 % carbohydrates , 2.57 % malic quarter , 1.79 % conjunction . nitrogen , 0.85 % minerals, 0.39% pectin , tannins , flavonoids, bitter , parasorbowy quarter , quarter sorbic lemon square , square , gallic acid, epicatechin and glycosides .

Flowers and leaves are 100-200 mg Vit. C/100 g, flavonols ( astragalina , hiperozyd , 3 - soforozyd , kaempferol , izokwercytrynę , soforozyd quercetin ) spireozyd .



Fruits were diuretics , przeciwszkorbutowo , nourishing , antiseptic , slightly laxative , przeciwcukrzycowo , cholagogue , strengthening , detoxication , increase blood clotting, regulate metabolism.

Flowers and leaves are a valuable source of vit. C and P, seal and strengthen blood vessels , diuretics , cholagogue , strengthening , anti-inflammatory, antiseptic , przeciwobrzękowo , exudation , regulate bowel movements and metabolism.

Indications: constipation , diarrhea , runny bowel and stomach, hypovitaminosis , infectious diseases , colds , digestive disorders, skin diseases and allergic disorders in the secretion and flow of bile , liver disease , fever, oliguria , fragile blood vessels, inflammation of the eye and conjunctivitis ( compresses to the eyes of the infusion liściowo - flower , and at the same time his drinking ) , nephritis , metabolic disorders .

Infusion: 2 tablespoons of flowers and leaves or 3 tablespoons minced fruit pour 2 cups boiling water , let stand for 30 minutes , strain , sweeten with honey, fruit infusion . Drink 3-4 times a plot of 200 ml of children - about 100-150 ml several times the plot

Tincture Rowan - tincture Sorbi : half cups of dry leaves or fruit pour 400 ml of vodka , macerate 14 days ; filter. Take three times a plot of 10 ml .

Intrakt rowan - Intractum Sorbi : half cups of fresh fruit or leaves and flowers pour 400 ml of hot alcohol, digest 10 days ; filter. Take three times a plot of 10 ml .

Alkoholmel Sorbi : up to 100 ml of tincture or intraktu pour 100 ml of honey , the juice of one small lemon , add a little vanilla or cinnamon and cloves , mix everything. Take 3-4 times a plot of 1-2 tablespoons .


Fruit juice - Succus Sorbi

Fresh fruit wash , grind through a meat grinder , put in an enamel pot and cover with water just enough so that the mass was covered , then pour the sugar (per 1 kg -0.5 kg fruit sugar ), let stand for 6-8 hours . , Then cook fruit mass for 15-20 minutes, strain , sweeten to taste (if the 1 liter extract 1 kg of sugar we get the syrup ) . Pasteurize 20 minutes in water at 80 ° C. Excellent is mixed with another juice such as lemon , apple , orange .


Rp .

  • Leaf and flower rowan - 1 tbsp
  • Herb routine - 1 tbsp
  • Herb sweet clover - 1 tbsp
  • St. John's wort - 1 tbsp
  • Elder flower - 1 tbsp
  • Goldenrod herb - 1 tbsp


3 tablespoons of mixture pour 2 cups boiling water , leave for 20 minutes and strain. Drink 3-4 times a plot of 100-150 ml, children weighing 15-20 kg - 21-28 ml , 25-30 kg - 35-42 ml , 35-40 kg - 50 - 57 ml , 45-50 kg - 64-71 ml , 55-60 kg - 78-85 ml , 3-4 times the plot

Indications: petechiae on the retina , inflammation of the kidneys , liver, eye and conjunctivitis , allergic diseases , cracking and permeability of blood vessels , varicose veins, purpura , infectious diseases , colds, skin diseases ( dermatitis , eczema , acnes , telangiectasia , et al. ) , Hematuria , hypovitaminosis C and P , hypertension, oliguria , edema, joint effusion , urolithiasis and cholelithiasis , biliary stasis , gastroenteritis , constipation .

Rowan, mountain ash, whitebeam, service tree - Sorbus aucuparia (Rosaceae)

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