1 Hawthorn - Crataegus monogyna - shrub growing up to 5 m high (sometimes takes the form of a tree to 8 m high ) , bearing in spikes , leaves broadly ovate or vice versa , 3 -7- flap , deeply indented ; flowers podbaldachach ; cup 5 - brave a tube fused with ovary , crown composed of five spheroidal , white or slightly pinkish petals , stamens many , post 1 monogyna , fruit jabłkowaty , oval or round , red, with one pits . It grows in woods and in thickets.
2 . Hawthorn - Crataegus oxyacantha - shrub growing up to 5 m high , leaves obovate , 3-5 flap ; flowers baldachogronach ; cup 5 - brave the tube fused with ovary , crown composed of five spheroidal , white or pinkish petals , pistil lower equipped with two neck fused with the bottom flower , fruit jabłkowaty , roundish , dark red. It grows in forests, in thickets , often planted in the fields, on the slopes and in the clearings .
The raw material is the inflorescence , leaf and fruit - Inflorescentia , Folium et Fructus Crataegi (FP T , II, III , IV and V ) . In pharmacies and herbal shops resources pharmacopoeia : inflorescence ( Herb Lux, Herbapol , Watermelon , Phytopharm ) - Op. 25 or 50 g of hawthorn fruit ( Herbapol , Watermelon ) - Op. 50 g of hawthorn intrakt Intractum Crataegi ( Phytopharm ) - liquid in bottles of 100 g
Flowers are harvested in the flowering stage and dried at temperatures up to 40 ° C. Fruit breaks in the fall when they are ripe and dried in the open oven heated to a temperature of 80 ° C. The leaves are harvested before or during flowering and dried at temperatures up to 40 ° C. Flowers and leaves can be combined .
The chemical composition
The leaves contain a quarter of hawthorn = krategusowy , flavones , flavonoids , tannins, choline and coumarin .
Flowers in their chemical composition have a square coffee, chlorogenic quarter , hiperozyd , acetylcholine , choline , trimethylamine , sugarcane , purines , essential oil, and coumarin glycoside compounds .
The fruit can be found wit . C ( 54 mg/100 g ) , carotene (300 IU) , thiamine (1300 ug ) , pectin (1.50 %) , mineral salts (1.20 %) , zw. nitrogen (0.80 %) , flavonoids, malic quarter (0.30 %), sugar inwertowy (3.80 %) , ursolic quarter , quarter oleic krateogolowy quarter , quarter coffee, sorbitol, adenosine, guanine , glycosides , tannins , saccharides , fitochinony , riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine and others .
Among the flavonoids are important : hiperozyd , quercetin and witeksyna .
Preparations of hawthorn tone and slow heart rate , dilate the coronary ( alcoholic extracts ! ) , Lower blood pressure , seal and strengthen blood vessels and intracellular membranes , thereby preventing the formation of ascites ; regulate kidney function , calming , relaxant and diuretic .
Indications: hypertensive disease , hyperthyroidism , tachycardia, cardiac neurosis , neuralgia , arteriosclerosis , coronary artery disease , nervousness , insomnia , stress , palpitations, rheumatism , edema and exudates , metabolic disorders , oliguria .
Infusion: 3 tablespoons of flowers, foliage or fruit pour 2 cups boiling water , leave for 20 minutes and strain. Drink 3-4 times a div , and 150-200 ml children weighing ; 4-5 kg - 8.5 ml, 10-15 kg - 28.5 ml , 20-25 kg - 57 rai , 30 - 35kg - 85, 7 ml , 40-45 kg - 114 ml , 50-55 kg - 142 ml , 3-4 times the plot
Alkoholatura cold : half glass of fresh flowers and foliage or fruit pour 400 ml of vodka , digest 14 days ; filter. Take 3-4 times a plot of 10 ml, children weighing 10-15 kg - 1.5-2 ml , 20-25 kg - 2-3 ml , 30-35 kg - 4 ml , 40 - 45kg - 5-6 ml , 50-55 kg - 7 ml , 3-4 times the plot
Intrakt hawthorn - Intractum Crataegi : half cups of fresh leaves and flowers or fruit pour 400 ml of hot spirits ; digest 10 days ; filter. Take a alkoholaturę .
Tincture Glogau - tincture Crataegi : half cups dried flowers , leaves and fruits kwaitów or pour 400 ml of vodka , macerate 14 days ; filter. Take a alkoholaturę .
Alkoholmel Crataegi to 100 ml of any alcoholic extract pour 100 ml of honey and mix. Take 3-4 times a plot of 1-2 tablespoons , children give 1-2 teaspoons of liquid. Excellent tonic , przeciwmiażdżycowy and cardio .
Honey hawthorn - Mel Crataegi : dry fruits or leaves with flowers ground to a powder midget . For every teaspoon of powder to give one tablespoon of honey and 10 drops of alcohol or glycerin mix. Take 3-4 times a plot of 1 heaping teaspoon .
Rp . Potion CAV cardiac and lowers blood pressure
- Tincture ( intrakt ) Glogau - 10 ml
- Routing or tincture tincture filaments - 10 ml
- Tincture or intrakt jemiołowy - 10 ml
- Valerian - tincture or intrakt - 10 ml
- Natural honey - 1 tablespoon
Mix. Take 3-4 times a plot of 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon at bedtime . So much can be given to children .
Indications: high blood pressure, nervous agitation , anxiety , insomnia, neurosis , palpitations , allergic diseases and skin (in the alternative ) .
Rp . Potion cardiac , soothing , antidiabetic and lowers blood pressure
- Tincture Glogau - 10 ml
- Tincture serdecznikowa - 10 ml
- Tincture kokoryczkowa - 10 ml
- Mentowal - Drops - 10 ml and liquor mint - 15 ml
- Valerian - 10 ml
Mix. Take 3-4 times dz , after half a teaspoon .
Indications: digestive disorders , high blood pressure , dizziness , abdominal pain, nervous exhaustion , stress, vegetative neurosis , insomnia, stinging in my heart, heart weakness .