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Removal from the body AGE

The problem of coping with the glycosylation of the organism can be considered in two respects. The first is the removal of AGEs from the body. The second is repairing the effects of glycosylation in the body. All that is harmful to the body is removed. AGE also. The major route of removal these compounds are the kidneys. In renal failure, thus decreasing their
excretion. Number of AGEs in the body becomes more and aging progressing a bit faster. AGEs are recognized by different cell the body using special receptors. One such cell AGE are recognizing macrophages - the cells hungry, cell cleaners.
The combination of the protein on their surface containing the AGE this receptor activates a series of reactions leading to a large brief to stimulate the digestive process the tissue and its reconstruction.
This causes an exchange uglikozylowanych tissue proteins with new ones. This requires, of course, more of the chemical reactions in this tissue, and generally increase the metabolism. Increases demand for timber and energy.

Repair processes that remove the effects of glycosylation are progressing as
aging less and less effectively. This causes the tissue
are therefore increasingly saturated by AGE. If you come to
that kidney problems caused by such AGE, AGE removal
proceeds less smoothly. In the case of the formation of larger
amount of AGEs in diabetes, for example, may begin to develop a vicious circle which
it may be difficult to break.

Changes in the organs

Kidneys - the deposition of glycosylated proteins in renal hanks
leads to the formation of their deposits, from time to multiple clusters and
weakness of their work.

Lens - Glycosylation of lens proteins is one mechanism
development of cataract.

Nervous system - the accumulation of one of the compounds belonging to the
AGE in some neurons of the brain raises the suspicion that AGE may have
their participation in the process of aging neurons and contribute to
the development of Alzheimer's disease. It is believed that the development of this disease
glycosylation of proteins interact, oxidative stress and cell
impaired glucose uptake by neurons.

Peripheral nerves - nerve myelin protein glycosylation plays
probably an important role in the so-called. diabetic neuropathy and
impaired nerve function in the elderly.

Lung - lung tissue, due to changes in the previously described
structure of collagen, is the lung elastic properties and do not extend
so easily when nabieraniu air. Reduces the volume
breathing lungs.

Cartilage - there was a commensurate decrease in the amount of AGE
proteoglycan content in cartilage. This indicates that
AGE participation in the development of osteoarthritis.

Bones - AGE may affect the growth and differentiation of bone tissue.
One of the diseases in the development of the suspected important role of AGE
progressing with age and osteoporosis. The exact molecular mechanism
change is occurring, however, only tested and requires confirmation.

Concluding Remarks

The information provided may contribute to the fact that slightly
otherwise we will look at the process of removal of severe cases
with certain diseases, especially diabetes and renal failure,
as having the strongest reflection in the light of the above article.
I want to emphasize that the role of glycosylation of proteins in aging and
development of many diseases is very fresh when it comes to medical advances
science. This information is not hit yet
medical textbook. I myself got into this subject very
recently. Hence the information in this article have
nevertheless be treated with some caution not to overestimate
described the role of chance processes. Nevertheless, full understanding
these phenomena will certainly be an important step towards understanding the causes
these and many other diseases.

tbc ...

MD Piotr Krzysztof Michalak
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